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Friday, 6 January 2012

Dear strike

Dearest? Strike,

I know you are best friends with Nigeria...both of you probably have sleep overs at each other's place...which is what friendship really entails...abi now? Strike, please if it is okay with you...could you please break up with Nigeria because I am now on talking terms with her. I know it is non of your business but please you have had Nigeria to yourself for a long time...maybe it is time you let her actually meet other people like me, peace, agreement, etc...

Nigeria has been chatting about your forthcoming visit on monday...please strike, could you just not come?...I know you miss Nigeria but believe me, she is better and happier without you. I know we all look out for our friend's happiness so I am sure, you want Nigeria to be happy. She is excited that you are coming but when she sees that I am not looking..her eyes are dim and I swear to you strike (even though I am a christian and swearing is a sin), I can almost see tears falling down her eyes..but she is such a strong person, she holds them back.

Strike, please Nigeria is celebrating a new season in her life (new year), so, could you please just give her a present. Rather than coming, send petrol instead...pls ensure He comes at 39 naira per litre...please...I know we have never really met since I have been in school and all. Well, I am now part of the Labour market so if you visit, I am likely to feel your presence....I already can feel your 'upcoming visit'..there is no power supply...food is expensive...money is scarce...Imagine if you eventually vist...chei!!!...I beg of you..stay where you are...

Strike, please send hunger to all the people in power who do not know the agony of living day to day unsure of what tomorrow might hold...or what food to eat...I know you have already packed your bags so rather than unpacking, why don't you visit BOKO HARAM...I know he misses you...He speaks so fondly of you and your brother silence...maybe you could take him along too!!!!

I have to go now strike because Nigeria is talking to me again about your visit...and you know how nervous she is, besides, my battery is low since there is no power supply...please grant my requests...thank you for reading.

Yours truly..

P.S. When I was younger, whenever I felt trouble looming, I would squeeze my eyes tight and ask God to take away the trouble. In exchange, I would promise to love and serve Him better....now, with tears in my eyes, I squeeze them shut...and I ask...please God take away the trouble in Nigeria...I promise to love you more...Amen...

#OCCUPYNIGERIA...in my own way...

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post. I was going to say, you are probably one against 150million people ready for the strike until I came to the part about sending petrol at N39 instead :-)
    Probably in our dreams or something to hope will happen in the future (2050 maybe?)
    Of course, if Nigerians decide to get rid of all the thief thief politicians we have, it might happen much sooner that we think (Amen!)
