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Thursday, 16 February 2012


Hi everyone,

So, here is the first out of my several prose-poems to my exs...

Now, this particular ex managed to successfully waste my time...I spent my time, and energy with him, yet I got no positive result from it...how annoying right?

You know how you meet someone, and you try to fit into their world, making yourself into their idea of a perfect girlfriend? How you try so hard to make things work, and then one sad day, it sudden dawns on you that this guy has been wasting your time, and emotions, so you move on, no matter how painful it is? Well that is exactly what I made sure did not HAPPEN to me...I have too many girlfriends with their stories to be repeating the same mistake.

However, I knew from the moment that I saw this guy that he was a time-waster...I have met too many of them, yet I let him waste my time...why? Because I am a girl, who believes in change, chances, and blah blah blah...well, the guy still wasted my time, but I left as soon as I heard the clock ticking...so this prose-poem is for all the time- wasters I have met, and the ones that I even wasted some of my precious time with!!!


I saw you
And I knew
Yet I smiled, and chattered away
From a distance, I knew who you were
Yet I gave you an audience
Funny isn't it?
How I knew yet I stayed

I stayed because of that beautiful face
I stayed because of your beautiful soul
I stayed because you made me laugh
I stayed because I saw us in my dream
I stayed because you lingered
I stayed because I fell
Yes I fell for you, and your time-wasting ways

I saw you with her...
Then I read your messages
I saw how your eyes wondered
Every time a female walked by
I knew you were not crossed-eyed
Yet I forgave
Till the next female passed
I knew I should have left
But I stayed
Because I thought you knew CHANGE

I left because of your lips
Ever emitting sweet words
I left because you didn't remember
To make me feel like the one...
I left because your eyes refused to stay
I left because you lied
I left because you had no personality
Your friends mattered more...
I left because the clock was ticking
And we did not move forward

I knew you tried
Maybe you should have tried harder
You didn't think I was worth it?
Well I am worth it!!
So while you wasted your time..
I refused to let you waste mine
So I left...

To all those who value their time...please leave while you still can...


P.S. I hope the ex reads this...*winks*

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