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Thursday 19 January 2012

The diary of a single working girl...

Dear diary,

I am not so sure how I feel about this morning..

Ok..I just saw some very HOT dudes now so I guess it is going to be a good day...*winks*


My BIS has expired, my internet bills need to be paid...I need a pedicure, and facials...I can't seem to finish my date with Lenin...really the single life is overrated because. I am pretty sure if I had a BF...my entire 'problem' would be solved...

I put up a request for sugar daddies...NOBODY applied!!! (Insult of the highest order) apparently I over estimated my sex appeal...even Jonathan did not apply...I can bet all my money (that I am managing) that I am hotter than Dame Patience...his loss anyway...

Diary, how on earth am I going to foot all these bills??? Almost forgot I also need a new wardrobe...pyjamas specifically..

I guess I have to make a decision about what to spend my hard-earned cash on... Thank God I passed economics in school...oh boy!!! This is going to be extremely tough...

Diary, Its nearing the end of january, and I am yet to meet cute guys that will val me o...na wa for 2012...simple request, it can't even grant....hisssss

I am tired of talking about fuel wahala but I have no choice...diary...can you imagine? Today, I have spent nearly 500 naira on transport...if I have to spend like that everyday...phew...I better start buying rubber sandals to trek...Leggedis benz please...

So with all of these responsibilities, I guess I now understand why being single is not a very good choice...tomorrow,I am putting on extra make-up, a gown that will stick to my skin like glue, and a smile even when I am sleeping in the bus..you never know who is who...I am taking everything personal because I must have a boyfriend by the end of the week...by force, by fire.

No more am waiting for Mr. Perfect...I am going to grab the next available rich guy, no matter how he looks...if he is married, then I will grab the next guy after him...married guys don't really appeal to me...I wouldn't want a small, thin legged girl kissing my husband so I won't do it to someone else...

I hope I don't sound desperate sha dear diary...its just...well I don't know...I need to foot these bills...
As if I don't have enough responsibilities..my friend's birthday is on saturday...urrrgh!!!

Why did his mum choose january now??? Anytime from march would have been good...

I will not let all these thoughts kill me...

My boss is calling me...gotta go diary...hold on a second...come to think of it...my boss is kind of cute, in a yoruba way, he is single, a bit old but who cares?...(maybe he is a die hard bachelor)...hmmm...diary are you thinking what I am thinking???...*secret smile*....official rules be damned!!!


P.S. I hope my boss can seal his lips too...


  1. Funny in a serious way! Well, I didn't say so, it was you that mentioned desperation o!
    About your boss - softly softly o! If it works - great, if it breaks, the work environment go become kind of tense all the time :-)
    What happened to love :-) ?
    Well, I am sure it should be possible to find that combo cute+guy+money for the vail - what happens after val though?
    Can I interest you in a pot-bellied middle-aged moneybag? Not that I know any, but we can start watching out for one :-)

  2. Is Lening boring you? I hope it contained some of the atrocities that were committed during his time at the helm of affairs (that should quicken your interest a little) - but probably not, unless it the book was written by a neutral person.

  3. Hi, it is the end of the week! Has the "by force, by fire ..." approach produced a new boyfriend?
    Since you "shared" the post above, you need to give us an update!!!
    I have also thought some more about the post, and I think I can help you summarise it better: You need a cute young guy with money that can help you pay bills. The guy needs to come "online" before 14th of February so he cal "val u".
    I think that's a succinct summary. So all you eligible cute young guys out there (old men need not apply in the oil sector), this is a clarion call! Go for it!
